• Korean Articles

  • k-NN 알고리즘을 활용한 단기 교통상황 예측: 서울시 도시고속도로 사례

  • 김형주, 박신형, 장기태대한교통학회지2016
  • This study evaluates potential sources of errors in k-NN(k-nearest neighbor) algorithm such as procedures, variables, and input data. Previous research has been thoroughly reviewed for understanding fundamentals of k-NN algorithm that has been widely used for short-term traffic states prediction. The framework of this algorithm commonly includes historical data smoothing, pattern database, similarity measure, k-value, and prediction horizon. The outcomes of this study suggests that: i) historical data smoothing is recommended to reduce random noise of measured traffic data; ii) the historical database should contain traffic state information on both normal and event conditions; and iii) trial and error method can improve the prediction accuracy by better searching for the optimum input time series and k-value. The study results also demonstrates that predicted error increases with the duration of prediction horizon and rapidly changing traffic states.

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